We are pleased to inform you that our company implements projects co-financed by the European Union subsidies:

Regional Operational Program of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship for 2014-2020
Priority 1. Smart economy of Warmia and Mazury
Measure 1.4. New business models and expansion
Sub-measure 1.4.3 Information and communication technologies in the SME activities
Project title: Increasing the share of ICT in management, design and communication at KROZMET
The main goal of the project: implementation at Krozmet s.c. of a complete Integrated IT System Graffiti.ERP along with the purchase of the necessary computer hardware and software
Project value: 904 890,09 zł
Financing: 476 472,16 zł

“European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas”
Operation „Adaptation of the office and social building” aimed at the Development of entrepreneurship in rural areas by adapting the building at the company Krozmet s.c. for office and social purposes, which will contribute to increasing the company’s income and increasing employment by 3.5 full-time jobs
co-financed by the European Union under the sub-measure “Support for the implementation of operations under the community-led local development strategy” of the Rural Development Program for 2014-2020
The operation is part of the community-led local development strategy implemented by the LAG Południe Warmia.

Project title: Increase of innovation at Krozmet s.c. by implementing the recommendations contained in the Design Strategy
Project goal: The aim of the project is to develop the company’s products/services based on modern design in order to increase the company’s revenues from the sale of new (bale trolley) and products and services with an improved design.
Expected effects of the project:
- Increasing the company’s revenues from the sale of new products and services with improved design.
- Increasing the company’s share in the agricultural machinery market and the technological transportation market – on the Polish and foreign markets.
- Designing and launching a new device for the company – a bale trolley.
- Improvement of the quality features of products: other agricultural machinery (8 items in total) and equipment for technological transportation that will meet the needs of customers.
- Coherent communication based on the company’s values (both internal and external).
- Modernization of the machine park in the company.
- Developed marketing strategy (for the Polish and foreign markets) for the years 2021-2023.
- Increase in employment in the company – by min. 2 positions.
Project value: 5 412 000.00 PLN
Community measures 3 000 000.00 PLN

Operational Program: Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020
Priority Axis: I – Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland
Measure 1.5 Subsidies for working capital
Co-financing: European Regional Development Fund
Co-financing agreement number: POPW.01.05.00-28-0098 / 20
Project title: Working capital subsidy for Krozmet s.c. Dawid Dąbrowski, Przemysław Agaszewski, Jarosław Trusiak
Implementation period: 01/07/2020 – 30/09/2020
Beneficiary: Krozmet s.c. Dawid Dąbrowski, Przemysław Agaszewski, Jarosław Trusiak
The main goal of the project: support in the field of ensuring financial liquidity and support for ongoing operations in connection with the financial difficulties incurred by the entrepreneur as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.
Project value: 197 212.86 PLN
Community measures: 197 212.86 PLN